The death of someone you’re close to is a great lost. It causes a great deal of emotional pain and anguish. It not only results in grief, but possibly also shock, dismay, anger, the feeling of powerlessness and fear. Feelings of guilt often arise, if one perhaps didn’t do enough, didn’t keep in touch, had fought with the lost one, and so on… The loss of a loved pet or separation of a different kind (such as the loss of home country, house, status) may also cause sorrow. It takes time to overcome grief. The process of experiencing grief is not something that is passive and simply happens for a person; the mourner actually has to become active and overcome a number of issues. Only this “grief work” can ensure a “normal” process of experiencing grief. There are people who have experiencing in accompanying and supporting those suffering from a loss. Rituals to help say goodbye can also be very helpful to help in remembering the good times, to express your feelings and to get back on your feet. Perhaps you don’t know who you can turn to? Just ask us, then we’ll take a look together for someone or something that can help you.